Monday, March 25, 2013

Tied Up

The necktie. A staple in every business man's wardrobe. Where do they come from? Why do we insist on tying a piece of fabric around our necks? An even greater question is why do they continue to allow Jerry Garcia to make ties? Hasn't he done enough damage? That question may never be answered. Yet here they are. Every man in corporate America (and elsewhere in the world) gets up in the morning and is faced with the same question every day: "What tie do I wear today?" So yes, this is a rather simple post but nevertheless it's a topic that needs to be covered.


Skinny, wide, long, slim, striped, polka dotted, paisley, etc.

Ties come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Which variety you decide upon is totally up to your preference. However, there are still a few things to consider.

Skinny/slim ties are very popular right now. The problem is, there is good amount of men who don't know HOW to wear them. What I mean is, the tie has to fit the proportions of the suit and shirt you are wearing. If you are wearing a slim tie, think everything slim. Narrow lapels, smaller collar, slim suit.


The same goes for wider ties. Make sure the the collar is bigger and the lapels of your suit are wider. The proportions must match or it won't quite look right.

Now you may be the conservative type who sticks to dark ties with simple patterns and that is perfectly fine. As Donald Draper has shown very successfully, that is a winning combination. But I would encourage you to switch it up every once in a while. Throw some color in there. Mix patterns together. This can be tricky, I know. And sometimes it may not come out like you want but don't be afraid to experiment. 

Here's a few more examples: 

I had to repost the last one because....well because I like it so much. Now go get your Suit and Tie on. 

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