Thursday, February 7, 2013


Welcome. This is my blog about "dressing to impress" in the business world. There thousands of articles and blogs out there on this very topic, but I hope to put a new, fresh spin on the subject. My philosophy is simple. Always dress prepared. It's sort of a spin off of the Boy Scout's Motto: Always be prepared. Well, the same goes for the way you present yourself.

       Everyone wants to make a good first impression. The way you dress is a HUGE part of that first impression. For example, if you come to a job interview with a company like Chase or Wells Fargo dressed in a t-shirt and jeans, chances are they are not going to take you seriously even if you are well qualified. However, if you come dressed in a suit and tie, more than likely they will have a better opinion of your professionalism. That's just the way it works.

       In the business environment, there is a certain code for professional attire. For men it's a suit and tie. For the ladies it's high heels and either a suit or nice dress. Now it varies from company to company but that is generally the standard. If you are the more conservative type and you like the simple navy suit with a red tie, that is fine and it's the safe and easy way to go. But if you are of the more adventurous variety then there are ways to make your outfits "pop" and stand out. The latter, in my opinion, is more fun and enjoyable and will definitely catch the eyes of those around you. So if you are ready, join me as we step into "The Wardrobe".

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